Policy Coherence for Development: Making policy coherence for the sake of the whole administration.
With his seat in Cabinet, the BMZ is well placed to ensure the inclusion of development concerns in all policies, domestic and international, Germany. The Government is strongly committed to ensuring that all its policies tend towards the aspirations of partner countries in development, or at least do not contradict.
This commitment to policy coherence has been reaffirmed recently in the coalition agreement of October 2009. That said, for policy coherence becomes reality, it is still necessary that the concept is integrated by the various departments of administration and that priorities are set for its implemented.
It remains to German authorities considerable scope to strengthen the basis for their action in support of the MDGs by the international development goal more tangible in other areas of public action.
Removing obstacles to policy coordination
Despite the zeal and skill of its staff, in headquarters and field, BMZ n ' not afford to treat the whole range of issues that should engage its attention, which limits its ability to act as influential and pilot would be expected of a player as important in decision-making and policy coordination.
His analytical skills and strategies, in particular, should be expanded, and it should intensify its efforts to involve other departments in its thinking on development issues. Meanwhile, we should improve our understanding of these issues in other ministries and expertise in this area.
Strengthen systems for monitoring, analysis and reporting on policy coherence
Germany has made only modest progress since the last peer review in terms of control, analysis and information on policy coherence. It should therefore build on the lessons outlined in the work of the OECD's Building Blocks for Policy Coherence for Development to strengthen its systems to ensure the provision in the German parliament (Bundestag) and the public generally transparent reporting progress in this area, to ensure proper accountability to induce further progress.
Improving government approaches
Germany has made good progress in areas occupying a high rank in the scale of the political agenda and having the support of Chancery, in particular climate change and engagement in Afghanistan across the whole administration. It should draw on the experience accumulated in these areas to enhance the ability of the BMZ to improve government approaches to address other global issues and their consistency.
designs have evolved such that since Germany issued in 2004 its Action Plan on Civilian Crisis Prevention, Conflict Resolution and Post-Conflict Peacebuilding. It should therefore be developed for fragile states and conflict-affected, a new approach that takes into account the evolution of thinking and practices of donors. Interdepartmental strategies planned to be developed for different regions (mainly in order to facilitate policy coherence with respect to these particular countries or regions) could serve as a model for the establishment of joint country strategies for fragile states in particular, where an approach to the across the entire administration is essential.
The DAC welcomed the investment as evidenced by Germany on development issues such as global climate change and that its efforts to meet its international commitments on policy coherence for development. This provides a basis upon which to: establish, in cooperation for development, clearly defined a comprehensive guide that allows the continued progress towards the MDGs and the fight against poverty, attention particular situations of conflict and fragility and sub-Saharan Africa, and induces an increased concentration of German aid, establish its draft strategy on multilateral aid an accurate analysis of how including the use of multilateral channels can serve its development objectives, while taking into account the objectives it has in its efforts to influence and promote the reform of multilateral institutions, resource allocation and collaboration with other partners to make aid more effective multilateral adopt a policy statement on policy coherence for development and establish a program of action for consistency, structured around a hierarchy of priorities and clearly defining strategic objectives for the overall administration, and a specific plan of implementation, and determine which entity is responsible for administrative coordination of government approaches, ensuring that the entity has sufficient skills in analysis and strategy development, and ensure a rigorous consideration of development concerns in the policies of ministries.
Source OECD
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