Since our arrival is overbook, the trip went well, just the girls pests that have not slept but they were fit and in good spirits, there is no real suffers the timing delay time, the coup.
They are cool and have great fun, they were in activities at the school where my sister works. Otherwise
here, many visits, there was my father, after the Rennaises and Tiffany and Micky also glandouiller that I could yesterday, but hey, I made photos of Barbie and 2 subjects, mashed potatoes, I saw sharper.
I sort the pictures so I will make entries later.
In fact, I'll prepare the sets for sale, BJD level, I also a face-plate Lusis brand new.
I already had a lot of pm for BJD.
Esthy me make up 2 of the 4-flat face, very pretty, my mother tried to rob me, XD
Hina Matsuri in advance for the girls.
On my arrival, a bullet waiting for me, too happy, she is really terrible, I'll try to get others puree, I waited a long time to get it and I'm not at all disappointed.
Iris and her birthday, she wanted a disguise.
Other gifts were found in Disney box, from our collection, and as the girls had they not the, hop gift.
They have not had to fight and in addition there was another Megara, since they come out with, lol
special dedication Coligny was less beautiful than the choupiemobile.
Yesterday at school, ^________^
Good weekend all.
And I will explain why as many visits as I post less and less, but merciiiiiii, it's been great fun.
***** *****
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