Sunday, October 24, 2010

Cardizem And.grapefruit


"We, the Heads of State and Government assembled at the United Nations in New York from 20 to 22 September 2010, are convinced that the Millennium can be achieved, including in the poorest countries, if all Member States and all other stakeholders at country level and international level, there attèlent with renewed determination. "
these words included in the final document entitled" Keeping the Promise: United to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), "that separated the 200 Heads of State and Government, leaders of organizations and international financial institutions and observers who responded to the invitation Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon, to give new impetus to the MDGs, for these last five years prior to 2015.
The Final Document, available in 81 sections covering all the eight MDGs, adopted in a final session which was attended by the President United States, Barack Obama, and after Sept. 20, the President of France, Nicolas Sarkozy, had reiterated the idea of a tax on financial transactions.
In it, the Heads of State and Government welcomed the progress made since their last meeting in New York in 2005, while noting "grave concern" that this progress is far from sufficient. They then say "resolved to promote and strengthen all these years, the global partnership for development, a pillar of our cooperation."
President Obama took the opportunity to present his new vision of development. A vision based on four pillars, he said, the first is to recognize that aid alone is not development because development is to help countries move from poverty to prosperity. He then cited as the pillars need to break the vicious cycle of aid dependency, promoting economic growth and accountability of donors and recipients.
In the final document, the chapter on global partnership for development starts with ODA Assistance (ODA). The Heads of State and Government commit them to give importance to respect all commitments, including one by which many developed countries have resolved to devote, by 2015, 0.7% of their GNP for ODA by 2010 and reaching the milestone of 0.5%.
national of a country that probably achieve the MDGs "on time", Prime Minister of China Wen Jiabao has reiterated that his country has granted 10 billion dollars of preferential loans to African countries, 15 billion credits Members of the Association of Asian Nations South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN) and 50 billion in capital increase of the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
As in their final document, the Heads of State and Government promised to investigate the possibility of using innovative financing mechanisms, French President Nicolas Sarkozy said on Monday: "Innovative financing, taxation financial transactions, we can decide here. Why wait? "
For the French President, if finance has globalized, it is quite normal to ask him to participate in the stabilization of the world by taking on each financial exchange taxation "tiny". Nicolas Sarkozy has promised to fight for this idea as a future president of the G-20 and G-8. The Global Partnership for
also trade, the Heads of State and Government declared full support to a universal, judging imperative to reject protectionism, "in these times of financial uncertainty."
They also promise to honor the commitment that members of the World Trade Organization (WTO) have taken to ensure that by 2013, all forms of export subsidies of agricultural products are deleted. Prime Minister of China said that his country is committed to reducing to zero the tariff of 95% of products from least developed countries (LDCs).
Heads of State and Government reaffirm that States have the right to rely fully the provisions of the WTO Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) to promote universal access to medicines.
Regarding the debt, they say they want to facilitate its financing and debt relief and consider develop enhanced forms of restructuring sovereign debt.
The global partnership also speaks of remittances from migrants. The Heads of State and Government called for strengthening cooperation between countries of origin of remittances and recipient countries to reduce the cost of these transfers.
They conclude their final document by asking the General Assembly to continue the annual update of progress made in achieving the MDGs and to organize in 2013 a special event devoted to a review of action taken to achieve these goals.
"The final document makes it clear that you remain faithful to MDGs, despite a difficult international environment, today welcomed Ban Ki-moom who was encouraged to see that many Member States have taken the opportunity of the Summit to announce a concrete support. Ban Ki-moon, who has just presented a global strategy for the health of women and children, invited delegations to look beyond the 2015 and expresses its intention to develop a post-2015 for the work of the United Nations.
The plenary ended with summaries of roundtable discussions among the 150 side events and more. Source



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