Thursday, October 28, 2010

Tribadism Initiations For Sorrities


be found below, the message of Secretary General United Nations, Mr. Ban Ki-moon, on the occasion of International Day for the Eradication of Poverty , Oct. 17:
this year to mark the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, the focus is on decent work, employment worthy of the name and small businesses that are a source of income .
Develop decent and productive is the best way to fight against poverty and promote self-sufficiency.
But in today's world, more than half of those working in precarious jobs. Their conditions of employment are not formally established and they do not benefit from social security, and often they earn too little to support their families, let alone to find ways to improve their economic situation. The global economic crisis has plunged about 64 million people in poverty and the number of unemployed has increased by 30 million compared to 2007.
Bridging the gap between poverty and decent work? By investing in economic and social policies that promote job creation by promoting decent working conditions and strengthening social protection systems. Access to education, health care and vocational training is also essential.
We must focus especially on youth employment. Young people are three times more likely to be unemployed than adults. Last year, the number of unemployed youth has reached a record $ 81 million. Give these kids a decent job is a the best ways to make them point to a future of hope.
At the World Summit on the Millennium Development held last month in New York, world leaders agreed on a program of action to intensify the fight against poverty. Despite encouraging progress in many parts of the world, hundreds of millions of people still live in appalling conditions, deprived of basic services. To change things, to overcome poverty, strengthen economies and build peaceful and stable societies it is imperative to overcome the unemployment crisis that exists worldwide.
economic uncertainty and widespread fiscal austerity should not be an excuse to do less. Instead, these are reasons to do more.
On this International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, poor listening and looking at ways to ensure that more people can work, and work in good conditions.
Let us that, worldwide, everyone can have a decent job. Source


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Harry Potter Prophet Wrapping Paper


The Millennium Development can only be achieved by many African countries if the dangers posed by conventional weapons are not taken into account, reported in October, several delegations during the general debate of the First Committee, responsible for Disarmament and International Security.
Recalling that the Horn of Africa was one of the world most affected by this scourge, different stakeholders have asked the international community to continue the implementation of the Programme of Action of 2001 on the Illicit Trade Arms and light weapons (SALW) and hope to reach the adoption of a binding instrument in this field. For China, the negotiations for a treaty on arms trade must go step by step, by consensus, not be used to interfere in the internal affairs of States and not disrupt their legitimate trade.
For Ethiopia, like other African countries, SALW are real weapons of mass destruction, said his representative. These arms fuel conflict heavily armed and hinder development, said the representative of Kenya, estimated at 18 billion annual cost of violence for the continent. The representative of the United Republic of Tanzania, expressing great concern at the deteriorating situation in Somalia, for his part supported all UN efforts for disarmament of that country.
In the Great Lakes region, plagued by two decades of armed conflict, over 106,000 small arms and 672 tons of ammunition have been destroyed in the Democratic Republic of Congo, said his representative. Furthermore SALW, landmines also kill many innocent people on the continent, said the representative of the United Republic of Tanzania, urging the international community to invest more in demining operations. Ethiopia, which suffers from the presence of these weapons on its territory for several decades, has also welcomed the clearance of nearly 7 million square meters.
Many delegations also stressed the implementation of resolution 1995 on the establishment of a zone free of nuclear weapons in the Middle East, supporting the conference on this matter requested for 2012 by States Parties of the Treaty non-proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT). For the representative of Israel, anyone who wishes to impose on the region of external initiatives, which are not the result of a careful dialogue, patient and thorough with all the affected States of the region which do not arise from concerns with regional security needs, will not help solve the problems in the Middle East. Responding to the statement by Israel, Egypt has stressed that the conference presented an unprecedented opportunity for both Arab states and Israel. Like many delegations, Kuwait has urged Israel to join the NPT and to subject its facilities to inspections by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).
Stakeholders yet addressed the revitalization of the Conference on Disarmament, China believes it is the only viable forum for the negotiation of a treaty banning production of fissile material.
Source AFP

Monday, October 25, 2010

Cortisone Shot To Treat Cystic Acne

Youth from several delegations demanding greater participation of youth in decision making on the MDGs

The Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs, Mr. Sha Zukang said that the Third Committee, which was starting in late September its general debate Social Development, was invested with a "huge responsibility" to achieve an "effective implementation and sustainability" of the Final Document of the High Level Plenary Meeting of the General Assembly on the Millennium Development (MDGs), adopted on 22 September.
Mr. Zukang, who is Director of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), urged the Commission to integration and cohesion in the middle of its deliberations. He felt that the Summit Outcome Document, entitled "Keeping the Promise: Unite for achieving the Millennium Development Goals ", was the" spinal cord "of the work of the sixty-fifth session of the Commission for Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Committee.
This "action plan" calls, according to Mr. Zukang, the implementation of "inclusive politics that puts people at the heart of development" as well as policies to reduce unemployment, fight against poverty and elimination of social injustice, in short: "policies aspire to a society for all".
He joined in that the President of the Third Committee, Mr. Michel Tommo Monthe (Cameroon), for whom the issues affecting the agenda "for the foundations, beliefs and beliefs of various nations and communities around the world."
"In the quest and yearning for the betterment of everyone, the real values are universal, especially in an era where advances in science, engineering and technology have globalized and globalizing our lives," added Mr. Tommo Monthe.
The Commission heard presentations of reports on social development by the Acting Director of the Division for Social Policy and Development in DESA, Mr. Jean-Pierre Gonnot, and Director of the UNESCO Institute for learning throughout life, Mr. Ouane.
Nearly half of the 34 Member States that participated in the general gave a voice to young people, who were disappointed by the slow implementation of plans and programs of action adopted at international level in this area. These young delegates also demanded greater participation in decision-making. Some have suggested an intergenerational approach, particularly in the field of employment.
Like Mr. Zukang, who had invited him to be more realistic in policies affecting the elderly, whose numbers have doubled in 30 years to reach 759 million people and will amount to two billion in 2015, the Republic of Korea and Japan, in particular, have encouraged to more concrete actions to recognize the role of this segment of the population in an aging world. Source


How To Use The Front Camera On A E71


Message from the Secretary General of the United Nations, Mr. Ban Ki-moon to mark the World Day of Statistics, October 20: We celebrate today
the first After the World Day of Statistics, the United Nations General Assembly has proclaimed to highlight the important role played by statistics in our societies.
Statistics affect all aspects of modern life. They underlie many decisions of public authorities, businesses and communities. They provide information on trends and forces that affect our lives. Gathered through surveys and censuses -3000000000 people take part in censuses of population and housing this year alone, they affect the planning of schools, hospitals, roads, etc..
Statistics is essential to economic development, including our efforts to achieve the Millennium Development Goals. To ensure that development activities yield results, it must first statistical data on poverty, access to education and the incidence of diseases are collected and analyzed. Statistics underpin almost all aspects of budgets and programs that help feed hungry children and provide shelter and emergency care to victims of natural disasters.
The Statistical Commission of the UN Created in 1947, agreed on standards and international methodological guidelines in virtually all areas of statistics. It has greatly helped the states to strengthen their capacity for reporting statistics, whereby the data relating to different countries and different regions are more numerous and more easily comparable than ever.
I welcome the care that statisticians give to developing their reports and publications. These experts provide an essential public service, contributing to the strengthening of peace and democracy by making available to the citizen reliable and objective information on the community to which he belongs. The core values that guide-dedication, integrity and professionalism, should assert their unconditional support of all nations.
However, as in many other areas, developing countries are often disadvantaged, lacking funds for salaries, staff training and data collection. In the first World Day of statistics, I urge the international community to cooperate with the UN to assist all countries to meet their needs in statistics, knowing the crucial role this discipline plays in our global mission of promoting development and peace. Source


Sunday, October 24, 2010

Cardizem And.grapefruit


"We, the Heads of State and Government assembled at the United Nations in New York from 20 to 22 September 2010, are convinced that the Millennium can be achieved, including in the poorest countries, if all Member States and all other stakeholders at country level and international level, there attèlent with renewed determination. "
these words included in the final document entitled" Keeping the Promise: United to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), "that separated the 200 Heads of State and Government, leaders of organizations and international financial institutions and observers who responded to the invitation Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon, to give new impetus to the MDGs, for these last five years prior to 2015.
The Final Document, available in 81 sections covering all the eight MDGs, adopted in a final session which was attended by the President United States, Barack Obama, and after Sept. 20, the President of France, Nicolas Sarkozy, had reiterated the idea of a tax on financial transactions.
In it, the Heads of State and Government welcomed the progress made since their last meeting in New York in 2005, while noting "grave concern" that this progress is far from sufficient. They then say "resolved to promote and strengthen all these years, the global partnership for development, a pillar of our cooperation."
President Obama took the opportunity to present his new vision of development. A vision based on four pillars, he said, the first is to recognize that aid alone is not development because development is to help countries move from poverty to prosperity. He then cited as the pillars need to break the vicious cycle of aid dependency, promoting economic growth and accountability of donors and recipients.
In the final document, the chapter on global partnership for development starts with ODA Assistance (ODA). The Heads of State and Government commit them to give importance to respect all commitments, including one by which many developed countries have resolved to devote, by 2015, 0.7% of their GNP for ODA by 2010 and reaching the milestone of 0.5%.
national of a country that probably achieve the MDGs "on time", Prime Minister of China Wen Jiabao has reiterated that his country has granted 10 billion dollars of preferential loans to African countries, 15 billion credits Members of the Association of Asian Nations South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN) and 50 billion in capital increase of the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
As in their final document, the Heads of State and Government promised to investigate the possibility of using innovative financing mechanisms, French President Nicolas Sarkozy said on Monday: "Innovative financing, taxation financial transactions, we can decide here. Why wait? "
For the French President, if finance has globalized, it is quite normal to ask him to participate in the stabilization of the world by taking on each financial exchange taxation "tiny". Nicolas Sarkozy has promised to fight for this idea as a future president of the G-20 and G-8. The Global Partnership for
also trade, the Heads of State and Government declared full support to a universal, judging imperative to reject protectionism, "in these times of financial uncertainty."
They also promise to honor the commitment that members of the World Trade Organization (WTO) have taken to ensure that by 2013, all forms of export subsidies of agricultural products are deleted. Prime Minister of China said that his country is committed to reducing to zero the tariff of 95% of products from least developed countries (LDCs).
Heads of State and Government reaffirm that States have the right to rely fully the provisions of the WTO Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) to promote universal access to medicines.
Regarding the debt, they say they want to facilitate its financing and debt relief and consider develop enhanced forms of restructuring sovereign debt.
The global partnership also speaks of remittances from migrants. The Heads of State and Government called for strengthening cooperation between countries of origin of remittances and recipient countries to reduce the cost of these transfers.
They conclude their final document by asking the General Assembly to continue the annual update of progress made in achieving the MDGs and to organize in 2013 a special event devoted to a review of action taken to achieve these goals.
"The final document makes it clear that you remain faithful to MDGs, despite a difficult international environment, today welcomed Ban Ki-moom who was encouraged to see that many Member States have taken the opportunity of the Summit to announce a concrete support. Ban Ki-moon, who has just presented a global strategy for the health of women and children, invited delegations to look beyond the 2015 and expresses its intention to develop a post-2015 for the work of the United Nations.
The plenary ended with summaries of roundtable discussions among the 150 side events and more. Source


Saturday, October 23, 2010

Good Stores For Size 0 Dresses

Support AIDS is improving "everywhere" in the world , according to UN agencies

Universal access to care of HIV-AIDS is possible in countries with low and middle income. That's the message put forward by the joint annual report of the World Health Organization (WHO), UNAIDS and UNICEF, published Tuesday, September 28. He highlighted the "remarkable progress recorded in Eastern and Southern Africa, the region hardest hit by HIV," and sees "reasons for hope." UN agencies, however, note that the goal of universal access will not be met on schedule.

In 2006, member states United Nations pledged to achieve "by 2010 the goal of universal access to prevention of HIV infection, treatment and the care and support for patients." Universal access is defined as coverage of at least 80% of the population who need treatment or services (testing, prevention of HIV transmission from mother to child).

This fourth annual report gives a positive review in late 2009 to expand access to prevention, treatment and management of HIV infection. "We see progress everywhere, with a coverage of 36% of the population for antiretrovirals and over 50% for prevention of HIV transmission from mother to child, "said Dr. Yves Souteyrand, HIV / AIDS department of the WHO. In 2005 and 2008, the percentage of HIV positive mothers receiving treatment to prevent contamination of their children was respectively 15% and 45%. If it increases, the proportion of pregnant women receiving a screening test of HIV infection remains low, it increased from 7% in 2005 to 21% in 2008 and 26% in 2009.

At the end of 2009, 5.24 million people were receiving antiretroviral drugs in countries with low or middle income, 1.2 million more than at the end of 2008. The coverage rate rose from 28% in late December 2008 to 36% at the end of 2009, if we apply the new recommendations, formulated in 2009-2010, which recommend starting treatment earlier. A criterion that increases the number of people treated. With the old criteria, the rate would reach 52% by the end of 2009.

Eight countries - Botswana, Cambodia, Croatia, Cuba, Guyana, Oman, Romania and Rwanda - have achieved universal access, while 21 others are approaching with a coverage rate from 50% to 80 %. The highest increase was recorded for sub-Saharan Africa with almost one million more people e treatment, an increase of one third. But, says Yves Souteyrand, there is a gap between the progress above the world average observed in South Africa and the East for almost all interventions and those more modest in West Africa and Central Africa.

For Doctor Souteyrand, these data illustrate the need to consolidate the benefits in terms of health and impact on mortality. This comes at a time when international funding to fight against AIDS are rather stable while the deficit to cover the needs of antiretroviral therapy is 10 billion euros according to UNAIDS.

Source World

Friday, October 22, 2010

2003 Avalanche On 35 Tires

AquaFed examines access to water and sanitation

Today, nearly half the world population lives in urban areas in 2025, this figure will exceed 60%, about 5 billion people.

This growth in urban population is particularly important in poor countries: between 1970 and 2000, this population is likely to be increased from 635 million to over $ 2 billion, an increase of almost 350% in 30 years, whereas in Rich countries will be only 54%.

In many Third World cities, only half of the drinking water needs are met and it dramatically lacks infrastructure for sewage disposal and rainwater, where floods and often deadly diseases. Moreover, the quality of freshwater resources is deteriorating here because of industrial pollution and domestic. This is a problem that developed countries are familiar, they are trying to resolve for some years now, with technology becoming more sophisticated that poor countries do not have.

In these circumstances, and considering the future urban growth, living today in a city where water is available in sufficient quantity and poses no health hazard, and where the sewage is discharged safely to humans and the environment is an opportunity and even a luxury.

Around the world governments mobilize very significant efforts to improve access to drinking water, toilets, the management of wastewater and stormwater. Operators, public and private, contribute actively to the implementation of public policies on water and sanitation.

When you know that last July 28, 2010, the United Nations has recognized access to drinking water and sanitation as a human right, and through the Millennium Development Goals agreed by the UN, the world seeks to expand access to safe water and sanitation.

Today, efforts in this area are important and produce quite satisfactory results. Indeed, hundreds of millions of people have gained access to safe water or sanitation services in recent decades can be read in a press release.

Only small problem, new public policies fail not follow the rapid urbanization of the planet.

Within this framework there qu'AquaFed, International Federation of Private Operators in Water Services, has decided to do a little analysis to see the evolution of public policies for water and sanitation.

According to the Federation, between 2000 and 2008 world population grew from 635 million people of whom 511 million (80%) live in urban areas and 124 million (20%) live in rural areas.

In half of the rural population, where the needs are numerically higher, access to water and sanitation have improved significantly in the last decade. In contrast, in half the urban population, despite hundreds of millions of people who have better access to clean water or sanitation, the policies have failed to prevent overall situation to deteriorate, can be read in a press release.

AquaFed compared the latest available figures (2008) with those of 2000 and has been a marked deterioration.

Explanation: in cities, large, medium or small, about 8 years ago was an increase $ 114 million more people without access to drinking water at home or in close proximity, 135 million fewer people without access to hygienic toilets and private (basic sanitation).

"Today people in town do not have adequate access to drinking water or sanitation are more numerous than in the late twentieth century. In half of the urban world, access to safe water and sanitation deteriorates. Current efforts to expand access to safe drinking water and access to sanitation can not keep pace with the urbanization of the planet. A start is urgently needed to reverse these worrying trends, "said Gerard Payen, President of AquaFed at the World Water Week in Stockholm.

Source: News Log

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Should I Cover Lasagna With Foil While Baking?

Friends for life??

Recently on the blog scrapuniversity , I came across a very nice tutorial for a given page. And as I still had a photo of Alex and Andy tiny scrap that I wanted, I took advantage :-))

Here's my page:


Cervical Mucus, Late Period

Love sister, it is priceless ...

The last time I published a page done by my daughter from a sketch of boit'à scrap. I also made a page using the same sketch, but I could not show it because I also made this page to answer another challenge.

The other challenge on boit'à scrap also was to scrap the photo of another scrapbooker Forum. Of pairs were formed. I had to scrap a photo of Doublefine . Among the photos she sent me I chose this gorgeous photo of her two daughters.
Since the challenge is over, I can show you my page :-)) Here it is:

I hope that the page he pleases! Bizz

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Remote Fireplace Starters

Pawamtoré: story of environmentally-displaced

Pawamtoré (I do not come here with a heavy heart) is the name given by the victims ouagalais their new village. Yagma officially called, a village situated about twenty kilometers from Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) completely changed its face after the floods of September 1, 2009 which claimed many victims in the capital of Burkina Faso.

recall events: 1 September 2009, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso's capital, was hit by heavy rains that flooded much of the city, leaving a legacy of broken families. It was not uncommon to have water up to his chest, and even above the head. In addition to numerous casualties, donkeys, chickens, goats and other animals, allowing many people to live have also disappeared. Many have lost everything, until their identity papers, which becomes a problem if we want to qualify for government assistance. Moreover, the State responded to the crisis in the early moments. Even today, two months before national elections, it continues to be involved, in addition to the presence of international organizations on the ground.

A roof provided by the State
Following the floods, many people were left destitute, without residence. The state then evacuees housed at various locations, for example in schools or at the racetrack. Some stayed up to four months. Several of the victims lived in areas previously unallotted Ouagadougou. These are then not allowed to rebuild to where they previously lived. Rather, they were assigned a plot to Yagma, twenty kilometers from Ouagadougou. Included with the parcel of land was donated bags of cement and steel to allow people to build their new home. But to qualify for this plot, we need identity cards. We met a young man fighting for access to its plot, although his papers are gone with the flood. What then?

International aid
Entering Yagma, we immediately notice the tents of the Red Cross / Crescent, along with semi-built homes of adobe, some covered with a tin roof, other houses without roofs at all. What must be said is that although the state has provided assistance to each claimant, some had to sell part of lot granted or all, for various reasons, such as being able to eat or treatment. Fortunately, international organizations are still in place, including Help and UN-HABITAT. They reconstruction projects for and with people. UNICEF has also promised to build latrines, which are sorely missing.

The Flood Yagma are satisfied with the assistance received by the Red Cross / Crescent and Help, which they consider to be well-structured organizations. The promised aid is assistance received. However, they are more reluctant to believe the promises of the state. For example, they were promised electricity. Okay. But when?

The village Yagma changing face
Before the floods, Yagma was a village with large fields cultivated by its inhabitants. Today is a village cut in two: on one side, there are the natives (who lived there before the floods), the other evacuees who were relocated to the fields where Native Yagma cultivated land. The locals are therefore left without land to cultivate. Needless to say, tensions were high with the arrival of disaster. As host, they cut almost all the shea trees that were in the fields.

Peace is now back between the two clans, as awareness has been made on both sides. In addition, the state has promised to compensate them for Aboriginal land they have taken from them. But these people find themselves still without land to cultivate, and must rely on the so-called " small business "or informal trade. A complete change of lifestyle ...

As Disaster Yagma, they renamed their new village Pawamtoré, which means" I have not come by myself " or "I do not come here with a heavy heart." The city now find themselves in the bush, away from the means that enabled them to survive, schools where their children were, etc.. The victims have mostly residences half-built and should live in tents provided by the Red Cross, with lots of disadvantages that it brings. Indeed, the robbers come easily to infiltrate these temporary dwellings, by cutting the canvas with a knife. Similarly, they were not designed for the rainy season, which means that each rain, water seeps. In addition, at dusk, the village becomes dangerous. There is no police presence in the field and acts of violence are common after dark.

Finally, there are serious problems of access to water. Two pumps were built, but when these pumps were broken, no casualty has been able to repair them due to lack of training. The water is present, but inaccessible. Accordingly, you should walk three to four kilometers to refuel water. The victims claim compensation from these wells, but they place the ball. Does the State to repair these pumps? Or international organizations? But first, who built these pumps? Nobody knows.

Life goes
At Yagma, life is not easy. But as the victims themselves say, as there is life, we must move forward, continue to fight. Despite the misfortunes they still live today they smile. It's a great lesson in life ...

Source: Institute of Environmental Sciences, Montreal

Sunday, October 17, 2010

No Liability Letter Car Accident

A page made by Andy

Andy, age 7, and I enjoyed our Sunday afternoon to scrap ...

It is part of a sketch of the Forum Boit'à scrap. Here is the page of Andy. She has forgotten a word, letter, space and reversed a letter, but that's what makes the charm of the page :-)))
For my page, it will be because I combined the skit with another challenge :-)
soon, bizzzz

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Charts/graphs On Breast Cancer

A new page


What's New?
Last night we went with some scrapmaniaks (not least) the Petit Chapeau Rond Rouge. In an "annex" of the College St-Michel in Etterbeek, a band of merry men organizes parties "music quiz", evenings of improv and other smaller shows ... we participated in the musical quiz. We realized our great musical culture :-))) But with us we had a participant who recognize the songs from the first note ... So few points scored, but a lot of laughter as a souvenir!

Today morning after I leave (happily, I could be very productive ...). After a good nap, I made a small page from a sketch found in Sandistamp .
The photo is one of my favorite Andy at this time, taken from Belinda and Bruno, it reminds me of great memories ... I still have some of the same night that I really wanted to scrap ... Including a kiss Alexia Andy ... but that's for another time :-))

Friday, October 8, 2010

Milena Velba Open Blouse


Today I show you the first sheaves of scrap made by my mother :-)

She wanted to make a frame for its beautiful granddaughter. I helped her and the result are two very nice frame assemble it with string to make a byptiue :-)

is the result of a very nice time of scrapbooking ... hoping that she appreciates the gift :-))

Bizzz and soon!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Sunshine Raisin Biscuits Recipe

Canvas Canvas Chawettes

In January, I attended a scrapbooking crop of divine organized by Mariou . I bought the kit project Chawette and I finally found time to finish it ;-))