Thursday, December 3, 2009

Name For Cake Business


Factory Nantes Vaillant Group (represented in France by the brand Saunier Duval) was inaugurated on September 30, its production line of solar panels.

The German strengthens its ability to irrigate a market whose growth "very strong for ten years (+19% on average in Europe)" should not relent in the coming years. Thus, the Nantes site, which manufactures gas fired wall mounted condensing become the bridgehead of a network covering Southern Europe (and priority Spain and Italy). He must quickly reach its maximum capacity of 500 units per day, 250,000 square meters of panels per year (same capacity as the site of Gelsenkirchen, opened in 2008).

For an investment of EUR 3.5 million (mainly devoted to machine tools), the site follows a French industrial conversion that must be taken before the end of the year to also produce heat pumps ( pac) air / water. The group is strengthening its ability to offer customers energy systems covering all needs (heating + DHW) and using renewable energy (coupled multi-energy). Ultra-thin panels and made very light in terms Nantes must supply 5% of the French market by positioning itself in the upper-middle ranges. In addition, the group will launch a new micro-CHP in partnership with Honda (the engine) for smaller homes. Finally, the marketing of a Pac-absorbing gas is still being considered in 2012.

Boussel Helena (The Journal of Heating)


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